5 Security Elements in National Security Management System

5 Security Elements in National Security Management System

One of the services that can be provided by a Security Services Business Entity (BUJP) is the Security Management System (SMP) of National Vital Objects (Obvitnas).

Obvitnas itself is defined in Presidential Decree No. 63 of 2004 as ” … areas/locations, buildings/installations and/or businesses that concern the lives of many people, state interests and/or strategic sources of income.”

Therefore, the security element in Obvitnas is very important. Security threats to vital objects that concern the interests of the wider community will certainly have an impact on the social and economic stability of a region, even a country.

The police certainly have a special security element for Obvitnas, called the Directorate of Vital Object Security (Ditpamobvit) which is an element of implementing the main task in the field of securing vital objects at the Polda level under the Kapolda.

Not only the police, BUJP also plays an important role in the implementation of national security.

Nawakara and Obvitnas

As one of the BUJPs that can be a trusted partner, Nawakara provides Security Management System (SMP) services for National Vital Objects (Obvitnas).

For example, Nawakara is one of PT MRT Jakarta’s trusted partners in facility security. As may be commonly known, MRT Jakarta has been designated as an Obvitnas (National Vital Object) in 2023.

This certainly makes the Jakarta MRT must have security activities carried out through good standards and implementation of the Security Management System (SMP). 

Regarding SMP Obvitnas, there are 5 security elements (which also apply to Certain Objects) that need to be considered by Obvitnas Managers. The five elements of security in the SMP Obvitnas are contained in National Police Regulation No. 7 of 2019, which includes:

Commitment and Policy

This security element serves to establish a complete direction and framework of activity principles for Obvitnas and Specified Object Managers. The policy shows the formal commitment of the Obvitnas and Specified Object Manager, which is also a guideline for setting security objectives that must be achieved by the Manager as a form of responsibility and performance.

Security Pattern

The second element is the security pattern which is the form, nature, and target of all efforts, work and activities aimed at preventing, counteracting and overcoming, as well as enforcing the law against any threats and security disturbances in the area of Obvitnas and Certain Objects.

The Security Pattern itself consists of:

  • Form of security
  • Nature of security
  • Security targets include: people, goods, places, documents/information, and activities.
  • Security area, and
  • Command and control

Security Standard Configuration

The next element is the security standard configuration which is a description or sketch of the security standard components, the establishment and guidance of security areas, the general concept of security and security personnel in SMP Obvitnas and Certain Objects.

Security Implementer Capability Standard

This security element is a certain measure, both criteria and guidelines used by security implementers. The standard of ability of security implementers includes; the standard of ability of internal security members and the standard of ability of members of the National Police.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The fifth and final safeguard element is monitoring and evaluation. Examples of things that need to be considered in this element include, among others, the existence of records of the results of monitoring the implementation of established SMP plans and programmes, and the existence of documented maintenance and calibration procedures for equipment required for monitoring and measurement activities.

Creating a Safe National Security Environment

The explanation of the five elements of security in SMP Obvitnas and Certain Objects above is only a small overview of each element, where each element actually has its own criteria and assessment weight, which in detail can be seen in Police Regulation No. 7 of 2019.

The results of the assessment of these criteria will ultimately determine whether an Obvitnas and Specified Object Manager is considered to have been able to implement good SMP to create a safe, productive and efficient work environment. With a gold category certificate as the highest form of award that can be obtained.

Want to find out more about the Security Management System (SMP) for National Vital Objects (Obvitnas)? Contact us immediately.


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