National Vital Object Security (Obvitnas) Becomes a Shared Responsibility, Nawakara and Polri Synergize Through Persuasive & Humane Methods

National Vital Object Security (Obvitnas) Becomes a Shared Responsibility, Nawakara and Polri Synergize Through Persuasive & Humane Methods

Jakarta – Amid rising security threats at strategic locations and national vital objects (Obvitnas), the importance of inter-agency collaboration in managing crisis situations is increasingly critical. The government has even regulated this matter through Presidential Decree No. 63 of 2004 on the Security of National Vital Objects (Obvitnas), considering that Obvitnas play a crucial role for the life of the nation and state from economic, political, socio-cultural, defense, and security aspects.

The importance of securing national vital objects (Obvitnas) is a responsibility shared by private sectors, the government, and the surrounding community. Through a joint initiative, Nawakara and PLN (the State Electricity Company), whose operational areas are also part of Obvitnas, along with the Indonesian National Police, conducted a security simulation at PLN’s work area. This simulation not only tested the team’s effectiveness in responding to riots and bomb threats but also implemented persuasive and humane techniques in handling them at PLN ULTG Harapan Indah, Bekasi, on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

AKP Hotman Hutajulu, SH., MH., Deputy Head of the Samapta Unit of the Metro Bekasi Police, stated that riot handling simulations at national vital objects are crucial to conduct.

“This is necessary to provide an understanding of preventive measures against security disturbances around national vital objects, such as PLN, so that the security units here know and understand what needs to be done to prevent fatal incidents while using persuasive and humane methods to avoid unwanted clashes on the ground,” he said.

M. Nuruli Kholiq, Consultation & Training Division Head of Nawakara, echoed similar sentiments, stating that as a company providing consultancy and security services, Nawakara views this simulation as part of efforts to enhance the security team’s ability in the field to identify, manage, and respond quickly to situations that may disrupt public security and National Vital Objects.

“Moreover, Nawakara’s security units can assist the police in anticipating and reporting incidents that could disrupt security at Obvitnas more swiftly. We hope this will be a series of simulations that we will conduct regularly to continue strengthening cooperation with other agencies in securing Obvitnas,” he explained.

The simulation began with a demonstration by residents at the main entrance of the PLN transmission and substation service unit office in Bekasi, where local residents demanded compensation for disturbances felt from PLN’s operations. The situation became more critical when a report came in that a bomb had been thrown into the PLN ULTG Bekasi area. The Nawakara security unit (SATPAM) coordinated with internal PLN personnel and the police, leading to the decision to bring in the Gegana Bomb Squad from Kelapa Dua to the location to secure the area and clear it of suspicious objects.

PLN also felt the need to engage in dialogue with representatives of the local community. During the dialogue, persuasive actions and humane approaches were continually applied by the Nawakara security unit (SATPAM) with police assistance to calm the demonstrators.

Muhammad Jainal, Head of Safety, Health, and Environment (K3L) at ULTG Harapan Indah, added that quick response and effective communication among teams allowed the situation to be defused and further damage to be avoided. “We also engaged in dialogue with residents to explain the importance of PLN as a national vital object and to ensure that their demands would be addressed through our CSR programs,” he explained.

Benefits and Long-Term Vision of Nawakara

This simulation not only demonstrated a joint commitment to facing existing security challenges but also in adopting more humane and persuasive approaches in security measures. This activity is an approach that is not only effective in directly dealing with threats but also in maintaining good relationships with the community, which is essential in maintaining social stability in conflict-prone environments.

The collaboration between Nawakara, PLN, and the Police in this simulation is a significant step in strengthening national security. Through good cooperation, each party shows commitment to addressing threats effectively and humanely, ensuring that national vital objects (Obvitnas) can continue to operate without disruption and without compromising the comfort of the surrounding community.


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