Strengthening Security and Safety Foundations Early, Nawakara Gemilang Intensifies Literacy Around Project Areas

Strengthening Security and Safety Foundations Early, Nawakara Gemilang Intensifies Literacy Around Project Areas

Jakarta – The importance of education extends beyond academic subjects, encompassing crucial aspects of security and safety vital for every student from an early age. In the series of activities commemorating National Education Day 2024, to reinforce this foundation, Nawakara has initiated security and safety literacy through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Nawakara Gemilang (Gerakan Muda Indonesia Cemerlang), conducted on May 2, 7, and 8, 2024.

Head of Corporate Secretary Nawakara, Chiquita Paramita Hindarto, explained that this program aims to raise awareness of the importance of basic security and safety skills both at home, on the road, at school, and when socializing on social media to reduce the risk of crimes against minors.

“Nawakara Gemilang in commemoration of National Education Day is being held in seven elementary schools spread across several cities in Indonesia, including Tangerang, Karawang, Bogor, Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, and Makassar. All elementary schools participating in Nawakara Gemilang are located around Nawakara project areas. This aligns with the goal of Nawakara Gemilang, which is to provide a sustainable positive impact in the environment of every Nawakara project,” said Chiquita.

This activity received very positive responses from all school parties, the surrounding community, and Nawakara’s clients near the schools. Nawakara hopes to provide a sustainable impact, not just for today but as preparation for students to face future challenges.

The Importance of Sustainable Security & Safety Literacy Program Nawakara Gemilang

Nawakara Gemilang, a CSR initiative from Nawakara in the field of education, is designed to raise awareness and provide literacy on security and safety from an early age. This program includes training for students and basic knowledge on how to maintain personal safety and recognize potential dangers around them.

In this literacy program, Nawakara strives to present the material in an easily understandable manner, focusing on how children can stay safe at home, at school, and in environments such as roads and playgrounds. The hope is that what they learn will be beneficial in their daily lives.

“In this educational activity, students are also trained through simulations aimed at honing their skills in responding to various emergency situations, thereby enhancing their preparedness for unexpected conditions,” Chiquita explained.

This demonstrates Nawakara’s holistic approach in educating and raising security awareness in their environment, making the program not only an educational initiative but also an effort to strengthen the bonds between schools, families, and the surrounding community.

Nawakara Gemilang is expected to have a positive long-term and sustainable impact in line with the objectives of Nawakara’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) program in education, instilling habits and understanding of security and safety that students will carry throughout their lives. This not only changes how they interact with the world around them but also equips them to become more responsible citizens aware of security and safety.

List of Elementary Schools in Nawakara Gemilang CSR National Education Day 2024:

  1. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al-Hidayah, Tangerang, Banten. Regional Office Jakarta & Bandung, Project PT Mayora Indah Tbk
  2. SDN Kalihurip 01, Karawang, West Java. Regional Office Jakarta & Bandung, Project PT Sanghiang Perkasa – Kalbe Group
  3. SDN Nambo 02, Bogor, West Java. Multisite Office, Project PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia
  4. SDN Pacar Keling V, Surabaya, East Java. Regional Office Surabaya, Project PT Simba Jaya Utama
  5. SD Cendana Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Riau. Regional Office Pekanbaru, Project PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan area Rumbai Camp
  6. SDN 006 Balikpapan Utara, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Regional Office Balikpapan & Makassar, Project PT Darma Henwa Tbk & PT Thriveni Indo Mining
  7. SD Negeri Inpres Maccini, Makassar, South Sulawesi. Regional Office Balikpapan & Makassar, Project PT Mars Indonesia

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