Awaloedin Djamin: The Founding Father of Security Guard in Indonesia

Awaloedin Djamin: The Founding Father of Security Guard in Indonesia

The name “Awaloedin Djamin” should always come up in conversations about the Indonesian security industry. Especially when it comes to the creation of security guard in Indonesia.

As most have probably known, Police General (Purn.) Prof. Dr. Drs. Awaloedin Djamin, M. P. A. plays an important role in the history of security guard in Indonesia. 

Note: The title (Purn.) is short for “Purnawirawan”, a title given to ex-military or police members in Indonesia.

So much so that he was granted the title of “The Founding Father of Security Guard (in Indonesia)”.

 A title granted to him after the creation of security guard in Indonesia through the Chief of Indonesian National Police Decree No. Pol..:SKEP/126/XII/1980 on Satpam Development System (Surat Keputusan Kapolri No. Pol.:SKEP/126XII/1980 tentang Pola Pembinaan Satpam).

Aside from his merits for the Indonesian police and security industry, Awaloedin Djamin – as you might notice from his other titles – was also an academic. 

Along his life, he has occupied different kinds of positions in different fields. 

Just to mention a few, Awaloedin Djamin has become the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, the Minister of Manpower, the Head of State Administration Agency, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to West Germany.

So, what’s the life story of Awaloedin Djamin?

Early Life

Awaloedin Djamin was born on the 26th of September 1927 in the then city of Padang (or Padang City), West Sumatra, Dutch East-Indies. 

In 1946, he went to military training at Batu Sangkar before returning home to Padang. 

Circumstances in the city of Padang forced him and his family to evacuate to Bukittinggi. There, he finished his SLTA (high school) study in 1948. 

A Policemen and an Academic

A year after finishing his high school study, Awaloedin Djamin continued his academic studies in 1949 to the Faculty of Economics in Universitas Indonesia. 

But, after just one year of studying in Universitas Indonesia, he chooses to enlist in Police Higher Education College (Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian), or PTIK. He graduated from PTIK in 1955, after five years of studies. 

His academic studies didn’t stop there though. He took his opportunity to study at a program in the Graduate School of Public and International Affair at the University of Pittsburgh, United States. 

After two years of studies, he graduated and earned his Master of Public Administration or M. P. A. degree.

“Unsatisfied” with his master’s degree, Awaloedin Djamin continued his academic studies in the United States.

This time in the School of Public Administration, University of North Carolina. Earning his doctoral degree in 1963. Becoming the first ever policemen in Indonesia to have the title of Professor Doctor.

Because of his capacity in the academic world, Awaloedin Djamin was appointed as a dean in PTIK, rector in Universitas Pancasila (1983-1985), and a non-permanent professor (guru besar tidak tetap) in the Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP) of Universitas Indonesia in 1948 with “Praktek Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia dan Perkembangan Ilmu Administrasi” as the title of his inauguration speech. 

His academic writings, such as “Administrasi Kepolisian RI Menghadapi Tahun 2000” or “Sistem Administrasi Kepolisian Indonesia” are still referred to in state administration science and police science academic writings up to this day. 

Awaloedin Djamin’s Careers

Awaloedin Djamin’s skills and capabilities enabled him to hold several high-ranking positions in multiple stage of his life.

His career started in 1955 after his studies at PTIK. With the rank of Police 1st Commissioner (Komisaris Polisi Tingkat I), he became part of the Jawatan Kepolisian Negara (now the Indonesian National Police, or Polri), Jakarta. 

His career in the police force continued until he became the Head of Secretariat General (Kasi Umum Sekretariat) of the Jawatan Kepolisian Negara in 1958. After three years of service, he chooses to continue his study in the United States as previously mentioned.

After finishing his studies, Awaloedin Djamin continued his career in many fields. It’s impossible to mention it all in this article, but to name a few:

Minister of Manpower (1966-1968)

Awaloedin Djamin became the Minister of Manpower (Menteri Tenaga Kerja) for two years. 

In the two years of him being the Minister of Manpower, he performed several strategic moves and created policies to fix the income rate and well-being of the government employees.

Head of the State Administration Agency (1970-1976)

During his leadership as the Head of State Administration Agency, a new law regarding principles of personnel affairs (pokok-pokok kepegawaian) was developed and enacted.

The law in question is the Law No. 8 of 1974 on Principles of Personnel Affairs (UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-Pokok Kepegawaian) that differentiate government officials from government employees. Though government officials could also come from government employees.

Chief of the Indonesian National Police (1978-1982)

After two years of being the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to West Germany (1976-1978), he was called back to Indonesia to be the Chief of the Indonesian National Police. 

It was during his time as the Chief of the Indonesian National Police that he got the title “The Founding Father of Security Guard” after the development and enactment of the Chief of Indonesian National Police Decree No. Pol..:SKEP/126/XII/1980 on Satpam Development System.

But that’s not the only achievement he did as the Chief of the Indonesian National Police. 

In his time, the new Law No. 8 of 1981 on the Code of Criminal Procedure (KUHAP) was approved by the House of People’s Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and enacted to replace the old Dutch law of Het Herzine Inlandsh Reglement (HIR).

The Indonesian National Police contributed much of the content of this new law. 

Orders, Decorations, and Medals

For his services throughout his life, Awaloedin Djamin was awarded with various orders, decorations, and medals. Both from Indonesia and foreign countries, that are:

From Indonesia

  1. Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana
  2. Bintang Dharma
  3. Bintang Bhayangkara Utama
  4. Bintang Bhayangkara Pratama
  5. Bintang Bhayangkara Nararya
  6. Satya Lencana Perangf Kemerdekaan I dan II
  7. Saya Lencana Karya Bhakti
  8. Satya Lencana Yana Utama
  9. Satya Lencana Pancawarsa III
  10. Satya Lencana Peringkat Perjuangan Kemerdekaan RI
  11. Satya Lencana Penegak dan Veteran Perjuangan Kemerdekaan

From Foreign Countries

  1. Grosskeruz des Bunder-dientsordens from the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
  2. The Philippine Legion of Honor from the Republic of the Philippines

The Founding Father of Security Guard 

The history of security guard or satuan pengamanan (satpam) in Indonesia can be traced back to its creation on the 30th of December 1980. 

Satuan pengamanan” itself is chosen by Awaloedin Djamin as the translation of “security guard” in Bahasa Indonesia. 

Not long after the creation of security guard in Indonesia, its number grew to 30.000 personnel. A number that kept growing that in 2020 there are approximately 1,600,000 security guard personnel, of which 500,000 of them are officially registered. 

Because of his service, on the 30th of December 1993 that coincided with the 13th birthday of security guard, Awaloedin Djamin was awarded the title of “The Founding Father of Security Guard” by the then Chief of the Indonesian National Police, Letjen. Pol. Drs. Banurusman

Wanted to know more about security guard in Indonesia? This article will give you everything you need to know about security guard in Indonesia


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